Emergency 911
Suicide Hotline 988
National Sexual Assault Hotline 800-656-4673
Crisis Text Line Text “Home” to 741-741
A Quarter Blue's Trauma Recovery Center https://aquarterblue.org 714.932.0845
California Trauma Recovery Centers https://victims.ca.gov/board/trauma-recovery-centers
Casa de la Familia https://casadelafamilia.org/home
Didi HIrsh (Suicide) https://didihirsch.org/about-us/locations/
Family Resource Centers https://www.factoc.org/frc-services/#southorangecounty
Mariposa https://www.mariposacenter.org
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration's https://www.samhsa.gov
Californian Victim Compensation Board https://online.victims.ca.gov/
Adult and Child Protective Services https://ssa.ocgov.com
If your child feels scared and needs support-Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) https://california.bacaworld.org/orange-county-chapter/
Free Printed Resources https://aquarterblue.org/resources
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) https://www.nami.org/Home
Fristers https://fristers.org
Family Support Network https://www.fsn-oc.org
Laura's House https://www.laurashouse.org/programs-and-services
Interval House https://www.intervalhouse.org
Radiant Futures https://radiantfutures.org
Orange County Rescue Mission www.rescuemission.org
Mercy House https://www.mercyhouse.net/
Casa Teresa https://casateresa.org/
Ilumination Foundation https://www.ifhomeless.org/
Colette's Children's Home https://www.coletteschildrenshome.com/
24 Hour Home Care (In-Home Care) https://www.24hrcares.com
Orange County Rape Crisis Center https://ocrcc.org/get-help/support-groups/
The Shield of God Foundation https://shieldofgod.org/
Melinda Hoag Smith Center for Healthy Living https://www.hoag.org/about-hoag/department-of-community-health/hoag-programs/melinda-hoag-smith-center-for-healthy-living
Wellness Center Central https://www.wellnesscenteroc.com
Personal Empowerment Program https://www.211oc.org/images/website/10001/files/PEP_Flyer_rev_June_6_2017_01.pdf
St. Jude Neighborhood Health Centers https://stjudenhc.com
Cyrysalis https://www.changelives.org
Empowered2Work Program: https://capoc.org
Employment Works Program https://www.ocgoodwill.org
Families Together of OC https://familiestogetheroc.org
Share Ourselves https://www.shareourselves.org
Families Forward https://www.families-forward.org
OC Food Help https://ocfoodhelp.org
Famlies & Communities Togetherr https://www.factoc.org/frc/minniestreet
Community Action Partnership https://capoc.org
Parental awareness booklet which guides parents how to educate children, recognize tendencies of perpetrators, and what to do in case they suspect abuse
An illustrated story of a brave young boy who runs for help when he suspects a coach is being inappropriate
A teen booklet that helps students know when they can act as peer counselors and when they need to get help for themselves or others. Helpful hints for being successful in life and school
Knowing you are a treasure is valuable!
Your ability to persevere in spite of your hardships makes you more valuable!